- Pancakes2
- Pancakes with sour milk.filling3
- Pancakes with filling (except meat and dairy products)4
- Pancakes, cheesecakes1
- Boiled sausage2
- Dumplings1
- Вареники1
- Preserve4
- Stockfish1
- Delicacies15
- Snacks1
- Frozen fish2
- Ginger2
- Canned beef products1
- Консервы из курицы1
- Smoked fish24
- Smoked products13
- Smoked sausages16
- Chops6
- Frozen chicken2
- Honey1
- Fruit drinks17
- Hot sauces and seasoning6
- Dumplings3
- Пиццы с добавлением сыра7
- Semi-hard cheeses1
- Frozen semi-finished products29
- Other semi-finished products4
- Other sauces7
- Fish semi-finished products20
- Sausages3
- Lightly salted fish14
- Hot dogs3
- Cheesecakes3
- Cheeses for frying, fondue1
- Meatballs4
- Falafel1
- Minced Meat-Beef1
- Stuffing The Turkey1
- Minced Chicken2
- Fuck1
- Barbecue8
- Schnitzels4
PINHAS kitchen factory is a kosher production that produces not only on-board meals, but also various culinary products with religious characteristics. The company was founded by brand chief Pinchas Slabodnik more than 10 years ago.
Today, the factory not only supplies products to all Moscow airports, but also produces various meat and fish delicacies, as well as semi-finished products, dairy products and confectionery.
https://pinhas.ru |
+7 (499) 754-50-73 |