Our goal
We have collected kosher products and goods available for delivery in one catalog and worked out delivery issues for more than 150 cities of Russia. We will try to ensure that the products we offer cost no more than the average prices in the store for a similar product, and
the delivery becomes fast and, if possible, free.
This is our goal, but we can only do it with your help.
This is our goal, but we can only do it with your help.

Получатель: | Благотворительный фонд «КОШЕР ЛЕХА» (КОШЕРНОЕ ТЕБЕ) |
Номер счета: | 40701810509280000001 |
Банк получателя: | Филиал "ЦЕНТРАЛЬНЫЙ" Банка ВТБ ПАО г.Москва |
БИК: | 044525411 |
Корреспондентский счет: | 30101810145250000411 |
ИНН: | 6312204480 |
КПП: | 631201001 |
ОКВЭД: | 64.99 |
ОГРН: | 1206300052232 |

It is not easy for us to overcome such a global project, so we will be glad to receive any charitable support, both financial and organizational, that people who are not indifferent to this project can provide us. Using the «Make a donation», form, you can help the project with any amount that you consider necessary. All the collected funds will be directed to:
- Maximum decrease in the cost of the products and goods offered
- Providing fast and cheaper (and if your donations are enough, then free) delivery of orders to any region of Russia
- Further improvement of our service, increasing its usability
- Optimization of logistics and reduction of delivery time
We will be very happy if our service will help Jews in Russia to eat kosher.
This means that we are not doing our job in waste and changing the world for the better.
This means that we are not doing our job in waste and changing the world for the better.
With respect and gratitude,
The Team of the charity project «KOSHER LEKHA».
The Team of the charity project «KOSHER LEKHA».