The publishing house has been operating since 1992. At the time of its birth in the era of glasnost and perestroika, Aleteya became the first independent publishing house of intellectual literature in various areas of humanitarian knowledge.
Brands and manufacturers
Our resource contains only kosher products and non-food products. This means that all the products we offer that are manufactured under the trademarks listed in this section have a kosher certificate issued by a Russian or foreign rabbinate. Or they are kosher by definition.
Лидкон является базовым и самым узнаваемым брендом предприятия. Он объединяет серию продуктов быстрого приготовления: брикетированные супы, насыпные супы, желе, быстрорастворимые напитки, крупяные хлопья, а также пряности и серию продуктов для выпечки.
The company was founded in 1978 in Israel
Торговый Дом "Яков Фишмен" является крупным оптовым поставщиком высококачественных рыбных консерв и другой рыбной продукции из Калининградской области.
For over 20 years, we have been focusing on producing high-quality, tasty and natural products. Our company specializes in the production and sale of pretzels, rusks, buns, snacks and cookies under our own trademarks "Embassy of Delicious Food" To produce high-quality products and only from natural domestic raw materials, maintaining commitment to traditional recipes. In a word, we love what we do!
Михаила Гринберга по праву можно назвать основоположником еврейского книгоиздания в нашей стране. Первые книги он напечатал еще в СССР – в основном републикации издательств «Алия» и «Шамир». Ну а потом зародилось издательство «Гешарим - Мосты культуры», после создания Еврейского университета в Москве начал выходить первый научный журнал - «Вестник ЕУМ». Появились академические труды, книги о традиции, комментированное Пятикнижие. В 1990 году увидела свет знаменитая книга раввина Телушкина «Еврейский мир», которая стала жизненным руководством для целого поколения евреев, возвращающихся к знаниям о своих корнях. В общей сложности Михаил Гринберг выпустил около 600 томов! В 2019 г. его издательская деятельность модифицировалось в «Библиотеку Михаила Гринберга».
COSTA D'ORO is an Italian brand of olive oil. Costa in translation from the local dialect means "hill", and Oro "gold", that's how the brand's products were once called.
PRI-CHEN is a leading Middle Eastern producer of a wide range of pickled and canned vegetables
The brand combines various types of grain, ground and instant coffee, demonstrating the optimal price-quality ratio in its segment.
The brand "Lianezh" is a product that meets all quality requirements and is certified by organizations. In addition to the mandatory certification of products and production, the brand has passed the voluntary certification of "Kashrut" by the independent certification body "Orthodox Union".
SEROVSKY GORMOLSKAYA PLANT IS: An enterprise with a rich history, which has been growing and developing together with the city of Serov and its residents for more than 80 years. The most delicious dairy products with an ever-expanding range have long since overcome the city limits and are spreading throughout the north of the Urals Federal District.
YOGUETA jelly candies are jelly marmalade with excellent fruity taste and aroma. A tasty and also healthy treat if consumed in limited quantities.
Today, several dozen types of products are produced in Israel under the Elite brand, including coffee, chocolate, cakes, chewing gum and popcorn.
Cotico is a line of unique, high-quality, phosphate-free liquid laundry and laundry care products.
La Española is one of the oldest olive oil companies in Spain and the world leader in the production of quality olive oil.
GRAND DI PASTA is a pasta from which it is very easy to create a delicious and beautiful dish in Italian traditions in your home kitchen.
The company OOO Poleznye Produkty was founded in 2004. In mid-2008, the company entered the Russian market and became one of the three strongest producers of caviar brands in Russia. In 2010, it was one of the first in Russia to launch the production of a new Middle Eastern hummus sauce for our market, “Secrets of the East” OOO Poleznye Produkty has its own patented technology, which has no analogues on the Russian market. The quality of the product has been recognized with diplomas and awards in many regions of Russia.
Without seasonings, it is impossible to reveal the taste of products and dishes in general. The same products can "sound" differently when using different combinations of spices. Tvitnik is a line of seasonings created for those who monitor their health and nutrition. Their uniqueness lies in the complete absence of salt and sodium glutamate. Perfectly selected recipes make seasonings indispensable in any kitchen, giving dishes a unique taste and filling the house with enticing aromas.
Готово! - понятные и традиционные рецепты любимых первых и вторых блюд для легкого и быстрого приготовления!