The only officially registered organization in the Russian Federation that provides services for kosher certification of food products in accordance with international standards.
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Kosher Certification Information
Kosher certification is the verification of the enterprise and raw materials for compliance with the rules provided for by the laws of Judaism. The inspection is carried out by specially trained specialists of the Kashrut Departments of the Russian and international rabbinates, who are thoroughly familiar with the laws of Judaism and food production technology.
When passing kosher certification, the raw materials, product composition and production technology are studied. The manufacturer provides detailed information about the composition of ingredients and the technological process of production of products. A specialist of the Kashrut Department visits the enterprise to study the technological process in production, studying the equipment, raw material storage facilities and much more. One of the most important criteria in the certification of kashrut is a very high level of cleanliness in production, or rather, the cleanliness of any place and equipment with which kosher products will come into contact.
If, based on all the information received, the production is recognized as kosher, after some time the company receives a Kosher Certificate issued for 1 year or for another period. In a situation where it is not possible to clear the company for a period of 1 year, separately produced kosher batches are issued, and a Kosher Certificate is already issued for them.
The manufacturer also gets the right to use the kashrut mark, which indicates the certifying organization and confirms the kosher nature of the product. Usually, additional product statuses are also specified, such as: Kosher Parve, Kosher for Passover, as well as other statuses that indicate the specifics of production.
The service "KOSHER LEKHA" supplies only products that have a kosher certificate. We have kosher products certified by the following rabbinates:The only officially registered organization in the Russian Federation that provides services for kosher certification of food products in accordance with international standards.